Monday 27 August 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Here's a peek at what's been going on in the toddler room...
 Grace & Lincoln making dinner
 Chief getting ready to go for a ride
 Hanging out
 Smile Ella
 Finger Painting with pudding
Amelia & Paolo

 Grace & Dalia

 Colton & Noah

 Bea & Dalia

Worms & Dirt
The tots enjoyed searching for their gummy worms in their chocolate pudding! *

 Outside Fun
 Noah & Ozzy
Out and About
The kids love this cause and effect game - dropping rocks into the sewer and hearing the splash as they hit the bottom
 Bea and Grace.
 Ozzy, Ali & Colton
 Playing in the field with Miss. Bente

Bea going for a ride

Thursday 16 August 2012

Toddler Time Fun

 Dalia drawing on the etch-a-sketch

Ella sitting with Miss. Brittany
Chief playing with the farm!

Ali and Paolo busy in the kitchen

Tickle Monster!

Nicco writting in the sand, cheese!

Amelia playing in the sandtable and reading a book

What a humble little guy! Lincoln posing next to his tower!

Family Tree

This is our Toddler Room Family Tree, so far we only have one family's picture! Make sure you send in your picture so your child can see their family on the tree!

Many thanks to Miss. Maria's sister Cathy for her wonderful job!